Know the dates for the end of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday in 2025. Why does Easter start late this year?
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS…. SCHOOLS YOU CAN BELIEVE IN! • Advisory Council Mtg 5:15 p.m. in Lounge.
Way back when, circa the infancy days of the Voice from the Bullpen, we (Sally and me) had many connections with other people, with whom we crossed many paths. Some were through our jobs, some through ...
When Corey Manning, the director of discipleship and evangelization, started his role with the Archdiocese of St. Paul and ...
The Holy Spirit Church that has stood in Asbury Park for 115 years will be demolished in favor of six single-family homes.
Closure on Bobby’s family drama and long-needed answers about Buck and Eddie marks another great episode in the 9-1-1-verse.
More about Holy Family Conservatory of Music can be found at Alisa M. Schafer is a reporter for the Herald Times Reporter in Manitowoc. She can be reached by email at aschafer@ ...
A fiery explosion in an East Price Hill apartment building has been life-altering for a mom and dad and their two kids who lost their home.
"I'm a groom who called off the marriage. The bride told me three things on the day of our marriage: 1.) She wanted a limo, 2 ...
"I don't think you can be outraged to hear Catholic teachings ... The council meeting was preceded by a rally outside Holy Family school, with a number of people holding rainbow flags or carrying ...
Funds via check can be sent to: West York Borough ... Holy Hound is donating net proceeds of several beers, according to its ...
“Being able to venerate the relic of his cloak moved me; it helped me feel close to the real man who guided and protected the Holy Family and can do the same for our families now,” she sai ...