Since their introduction with the Motorwagen in 1866, automobiles have been at the forefront of technology and innovation.
I've owned a half-dozen cassette players since falling into the hobby ... but I wasn't able to get it to work with my car stereo, instead relying on a 3.5-mm cable. The audio is muted using ...
It turns out that the Crown Victoria still comes with a cassette player as part of its entertainment ... so if you really want the cassette deck in your new car, you need to get one before the ...
The in-car CD player is officially dead after the ... first to offer the technology back in 1985 as the successor to cassette player. The last new model sold with a cassette deck disappeared ...
This Volvo cassette player from 1987 is firmly in the digital ... to be hacked in without even opening the stereo. Old-school car audio hackers have been doing it for decades in cars like the ...
[Ivan] made something special with this car stereo hack ... unit into cassette mode and the audio from the player is injected into the cassette player connections. To help deter theft [Ivan ...
This solid-looking update of the classic Walkman form factor doesn’t quite match up to the technical wonders of the earlier era, when players could be literally the same size as a cassette case ...