and Ty currently serves on the Childress County Appraisal District Agricultural Advisory Board and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Advisory Board, Mule Deer Advisory Committee. Vest Ranches was ...
A Texas lawmaker who breeds deer wants to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife, which helps regulate deer breeders in the state.
Waterfowl, upland game bird and big-game hunting regulations were approved Thursday by the Texas Parks and Wildlife ...
Plus a hunter takes aim from a portable toilet, a speeding dentist huffs laughing gas, and other recent events in our ...
The cases have been referred to prosecutors' offices in 11 Texas counties. The state has been trying to keep the spread of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer under control. If left ...
That set off an investigation by Texas Game Wardens that led to 22 suspects and 1,200 pending charges involving illegal white-tailed deer breeding operations on the black market statewide.
Photo by Nick de la Torre for the Houston Chronicle / Getty Images During a traffic stop outside Houston earlier this month, Texas game wardens caught two deer breeders trying to move captive ...
An investigation this week into Texas’ illegal deer breeding industry and black market wildlife trade led Texas Game Wardens to arrest over 20 people across the state, resulting in about 1,200 ...
A hunter searching for deer in West Texas stumbled upon what was originally thought to be a stump - but turned out to be an ultra-rare fossil. The hunter was visiting O2 Ranch, one of the largest ...
A hunter was out looking for deer at a private ranch in West Texas when he spotted something unusual sticking out of the ...