There are numerous coins that could command hundreds and even thousands at auction - here's everything you need to know ...
MANAH: The Oman Across Ages Museum marked the launch of its new visual identity on March 13, celebrating a symbol of heritage ...
The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) is launching the sale of a collector coin dedicated to the European Winter Youth ...
Many coins have the potential to fetch hundreds or even thousands at auction as one particular small piece of change could ...
The Royal Mint Museum experts have explained that an incorrect design was imprinted on the heads side of the coin during its ...
Athens' oldest coins were created from silver originating around the world, a study suggests, revealing an unknown ancient ...
A CEDULA (tax certificate) from the Philippine revolution of 1896, a 1766 Barilla coin minted in Manila, a four-real Mexican coin from the 19th century, and an eight-real coin from the short-lived ...
Kakinada: History and culture are interrelated. A sense of history instils pride in one’s culture. This is what makes ...
"So what's it worth? If you have a normal one, it's just £2. But if you have the mule error, it has been selling for £1,000 ...
A Roman coin believed to be unique to the British Isles and found by a man with a metal detector is set to fetch thousands of ...
The gold coin was discovered over 300 years ago in Transylvania, but up until recently it was kept tucked away in a museum ...
If it is officially "treasure" then the coins may be turned over to a museum at King's Lynn and the finders and landowners ...