Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced the application period for 2025 Colorado big-game licenses will start March 1 and end ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife trapped and relocated a herd of 20 bighorn sheep. The sheep have been suffering catastrophic ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife share photos of the second round of wolves released into Colorado earlier this year.
In an effort to conserve wildlife and increase opportunities for hunters and anglers, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will create ...
A wolf was responsible for the death of a cow in Jackson County on Feb. 5. The culprit is likely a new wolf to Colorado that ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirms an uncollared wolf killed a cow in Jackson County, marking the 18th reported livestock ...
In one dramatic moment, a 70-foot-long net dropped, and about 20 bighorn sheep were captured, much to their surprise.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife reported the wolf died Sept. 9. This wolf is different from one the federal government believes ...
Following the discovery of golden mussels in California, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is taking steps to prevent the invasive ...
The bill now includes an exemption for people vetted by their local sheriff and enrolled in a gun safety training class ...
Colorado had nearly 5,000 employees working for public lands and wildlife agencies before federal employees' terminations hit ...