Jujutsu Kaisen's anime is an especially strong showing from MAPPA, with their Juju Strolls, or post-credit scenes, as a special highlight.
Marvel Rivals avoided a common launch pitfall by having a stacked roster of over 30 playable characters, with 4 more joining the mix throughout season 1. That will continue to grow by around 2 a ...
The Sentinel of the Spaceways that Marvel Comics calls the Silver Surfer has long been one of the publishers most beloved and ...
Superman Unlimited will kick off May 21, and will be set up with a “Zero Issue” in DC’s Free Comic Book Day issue on May 3.
Games Workshop boss Kevin Rountree told investors Space Marine II had created "excitement" for its miniatures, and that store ...
Ready for some wordplay? Sharpen your skills with Slate’s puzzle for Jan. 19, 2025.