Discover how aloe vera can fight acne, reduce scars, and hydrate skin naturally. This budget-friendly remedy might be your ...
As aloe vera plants grow, they produce baby aloe veras ... Place the pups on a small plate and move them to a cool, dark place for 24 to 48 hours to encourage them to form a callus.
Mix 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water. The aloe soothes the scalp while ...
Aloe, or aloe vera, is a succulent plant that's long been known for its ... directly to the sunburned area of skin, ideally after a cool bath or shower, says Hayag. Quick tip: Keep your aloe ...
Using plants to keep your home cool is natural and appealing. Certain plants reduce indoor temperatures, purify the air, and ...
Hold a cool compress to the skin or plunge the affected ... Rinse off with a lukewarm shower. The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries as an aid to health and skin care.
Q: My Aloe vera plant is looking reddish-brown. When I use my plant app, Picture This, it says the plant looks healthy. What do you say? A: My opinion is that it looks like a healthy aloe that ...
My Aloe vera plant is looking reddish-brown. When I use my plant app, Picture This, it says the plant looks healthy. What do ...