The Connecticut museum exhibits stellar drawings from its holdings, spanning centuries and featuring such artists as Gainsborough, Ingres, Courbet, Degas, Picasso and Miró. Contributed by John ...
When was the first landscape painting made in Europe? And the first abstraction? Art historians love these questions about ...
Floor Scrapers modernized this tradition, placing it in an urban context, but also referenced another great painter of peasants, Gustave Courbet, the exiled Communard responsible for toppling the ...
The result is a show to make you "fall in love" with the impressionists and their precursors all over again. Featuring two ...
What Art Can Tell Us About Love, Nick Trend, Laurence King Publishing, 208pp, £18.99 (hb) The UK journalist Nick Trend ...
The topic of climate change and the human impact on the environment will be explored through three new exhibitions due to open at the Shoalhaven ...
In order to fund the museum's colossal €800 million renovation plan, director Laurence des Cars has no shortage of ideas: ...
There is a long tradition of studio painting in art — Courbet, Matisse — but most painters make one in this genre and then tack in another direction. Not Yuskavage. This isn’t a phase ...
Even ancient statues had to deal with double standards, SMH. The impressionist painter Gustave Courbet took things to new bushy heights with his controversial 1866 work “L’origine du Monde.” ...
The collection of 19th century paintings amassed by the Swiss collector Oskar Reinhart could be seen as a "mirror image" of that acquired by Britain's Samuel Courtauld, said Mark Hudson in The ...
She instills the painting with a more frank and illuminating ... Salle, Picasso, Johns, Courbet, and Walt Disney all receive their share of punches in the arena with Kass as she tears apart ...