Researchers in Brazil have unearthed the fossilized bones of a 237-million-year-old crocodile-like predator, Retymaijychampsa ...
Ms Vanice Mirembe, an official from UWA, says catching undersized fish and fishing in breeding areas exposes them to ...
Rising attacks on humans have put Andaman's saltwater crocodiles at the center of a clash between conservationists and the government.
People living next to the Budong-Budong River in Indonesia have spoken of their horror experiences thanks to the jaws of ...
A 15-year-old boy, Namata, was killed by electricity while hunting birds at Kalonga Farm in the Lubombo area, Mazabuka, He ...
A video of a man feeding a massive crocodile much like a regular domesticated pet was shared on social media, which left the ...
Since crocodiles are ambush hunters that rely on staying submerged for the element of surprise, the scientists are worried that shorter dive times might impact their ability to hunt, according to ...
Disturbing video has captured the result of a “brutal attack” on a three-metre saltwater crocodile that left it with a broken spear protruding from its head. Queensland authorities confirmed on Friday ...
He said examples of that included increasing egg harvesting limits or managing approvals for traditional owners to hunt on private land. Mr Knuth pointed to Nile crocodile hunting experiences in ...