Game Rant chats with senior narrative designer Ryan Quinn about telling Diablo Immortal's story where the eponymous villain has been defeated.
Belial, the Lord of Lies, is back in Diablo 4 Season 8. But just who is this lord of Hell in the game, and why is he back?
Blizzard brings back Belial, the Lord of Lies, in Diablo 4’s Season 8 as the game’s most brutal endgame challenge yet.
Blizzard's head of Diablo Rod Fergusson reveals that Diablo 2 has overtaken D3 in player numbers,, but both fall behind Diablo 4.
One of the new features that will be showcased in Diablo 4's upcoming 2.2.0 PTR (public test realm) update is the addition of ...
Diablo 4's next patch arrives soon, and it's going to make a change a lot of PC players won't be enitrely happy with.
Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo 4 really fumbled the bag on this one when they announced they will ramp up their difficulty ...
Titan Quest 2 early access will now feature one more class, as the Rogue mastery joins the Greek mythology inspired ARPG and Diablo rival.
Diablo 4 is one of those games that, in theory, you could play forever, but are there any games like Diablo out there equally worth your time? Yes, and here are ten of them! Even if you've piled a ...
Journal Editorial Report: The week's best and worst from Kim Strassel, Allysia Finley and Kyle Peterson. Photo: Karla Ann Cote/Zuma Press/Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images/Lev Radin/Zuma Press As a ...