TREE: (((((Homo_sapiens:0.0064726,(Pan_paniscus:0.00203211,Pan_troglodytes:0.0019706):0.004218):0.00197921,(Gorilla_gorilla:0.00168871,Gorilla_beringei:0.00237575):0. ...
“In this photo, I’m monitoring gulls near Sandgerði, a small fishing village in southwest Iceland. This area is a volcanic peninsula, and although there’s a lot of precipitation, most of ...
Dec. 11 from 1 to 4 p.m. Do Caribou Surf? An Empirical Test of the Green Wave Hypothesis for Woodland Caribou in Ontario, Canada Advisors: Dr. Nicholas Bernier and Dr. John Fryxell ...
Xenophon Strategies is #hiring a Digital Media Specialist. Know anyone who might be interested? Competitive salary, full benefits and challenging work that includes being on the front line of the ...