PA GOODDOCTOR (01833.HK) turned loss into profit, and reported a net profit of RMB81.43 million in 2024. The Company has ...
The enthusiasm for traveling this spring is high, according to data disclosed by Spring Tour. As of yesterday (12th), the number of bookings for spring 2025 comprehensively exceeded that of the same ...
Now, in eLife, Erli Jin, Jennifer Briggs, Richard Benninger and Matthew Merrins of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus report using ...
Version of Record: This is the final version of the article. Jin, Briggs and colleagues use light sheet imaging to reconstruct the islet three-dimensional Ca2+ network. The authors find that ...
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester, 131 Princess Street, Manchester M1 7DN, United Kingdom Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Manchester, Oxford ...
White matter makes up about fifty percent of the human brain. Maturation of white matter accompanies biological development and undergoes the most dramatic changes during childhood and adolescence.
An IQA toolbox with pure python and pytorch. Please refer to Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment for a comprehensive survey of IQA methods and download links for IQA ...
Introduction: Cold acclimatization in tropical region-originated plants involves complex gene expression reprogramming to adapt to fluctuating temperatures. However, the molecular mechanisms and gene ...