The cattle, goats, and camels that sustained the ... such as Haramaya and Harar east of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. But the capital city was a world unto itself, she adds, and people ...
More than 230 livestock have died in Uba Debretsehay district, Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia Region, due to an epidemic that began on March 14, 2025, pastoralists and animal health professionals told ...
Ethiopia’s dairy sector has experienced growth through the “Bounty of the Basket” (Yelemat Tirufat) initiative, nearly ...
Violent clashes between communities residing on either side of the Ethio-Kenya border resulted in the deaths of at least 30 people in late February, while ...
According to the World Bank, "The Somali region accounts for over 30% of Ethiopia's livestock production, yet it suffers from some of the highest poverty rates in the country." This paradox of ...
Thousands of people have been gathering in southern Ethiopia for one of the ... tests include walking long distances barefoot, slaughtering cattle efficiently and showing kindness to fellow ...
Some of the ancient Aksumite agricultural features resemble those of modern day rural farmers in northern Ethiopia/Eritrea, such as the use of cattle, sheep, goat, wheat, barley and tef. Modern ...