Qi was able to show that another chemical messenger called acetylcholine can trigger dopamine release in the bird’s brain ...
Learn how Zebra finches' natural drive to learn their songs makes them masters of their craft — and what we can learn from ...
Zebra finches learn their courtship songs early in life by first listening to their fathers and memorizing the melodies.
The courtship song of male zebra finches is a well-studied example of a naturally learned behaviour, and is controlled by a set of interconnected forebrain regions in the dorsal ventricular ridge ...
In zebra finches, only the males sing; young birds learn their courtship song early in life by first listening closely to their dads and memorizing his song. Then, like babies learning to talk ...
In his home office in Durham, Duke neuroscientist Richard Mooney shows a series of images of a bird's brain on song. In one, what looks like a pointillist painting illustrates a young zebra finch ...