Planter boxes and raised beds are some of the easiest ways to spruce up a porch, decorate a patio, or add color to a big deck ...
A garden is not just about sight: there is great pleasure to be found in planting beautiful fragrant-rich flowers like ...
Bulb planters are the ideal garden accessory for planting flower bulbs. Choose from smaller hand-held bulb planters or larger long-handled bulb planters.
A sturdy and reliable perennial, catmint’s scent is pleasantly spicy with a hint of mint. It adds aroma to your garden and ...
A Jacksonville restaurant known for its fresh ingredients, craft cocktails and family-friendly atmosphere has shut its doors.
Cheerful, daisy-like cosmos are a must-have for all gardeners and cut flower enthusiasts! Slender, feathery stems are topped ...
The horticultural techniques are simple, fertile well-drained soil with plenty of sun. Wet boggy soil is not your friend and ...
Our parade floats do tend to be pretty spectacular,” says co-president of the 101-year-old organization. “I think it’s safe ...
Philadelphia-area gardeners may turn to tropical plants as dramatic additions to their home gardens. The prime time to plant ...
March winter is wearying. Gift your yard with an early spring by planting early spring flowers. Start planning what you'll ...
It does not harm the squirrels and keeps your flowers and pots intact. -- Ann Alberico, in Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Heloise: We ...