Greek folk songs of the 1821 Revolution not only told stories of brave revolutionaries, but also served as historical texts.
Speaker: Dr Maria Athanasiou Seminar: Theodorakis and the Greek art-folk song Where: Online – Facebook/Youtube Language: ...
The work of Mikis Theodorakis and his contribution in the shaping of the Greek art-folk song is set to be the subject of an informative talk hosted by the Greek Community of Melbourne.
August Coleman named “Battleship Kate,” a major work of folk art, for a sex worker and swindler ... figure is based on Hiram Powers’s “The Greek Slave,” arguably the most famous of ...
Enjoy Greek food, pastries and beverages for four days straight with nightly live folk music and dances ... in on the spoils of the 18-carat work of art insured for nearly 5 million pounds ...