Nothing beats packing up the car, making some new playlists, downloading a few podcast series, and heading off for a road ...
The work, scheduled to begin on March 30, will replace signs in Manchester, Windsor, and Bloomfield to meet federal and state ...
Question: The other day I was going down the freeway and I saw a vehicle whose driver must’ve missed and exit, as the vehicle was backing up near an exit ...
A 17-year-old travelling at a high rate of speed was taken into custody after a police pursuit in Northern Virginia on Sunday ...
Multiple fatalities have been reported in a two-vehicle crash on Interstate 95 southbound this afternoon in Prince George ...
Motorists traveling through Queens overnight should expect delays as the NYSDOT plans to temporarily close a key exit ramp ...
By CBS Baltimore Staff Click here for updates on this story Maryland (WJZ) — A tractor trailer carrying 6,000 gallons of milk overturned on I-695 near Exit 24 early Saturday morning, according to the ...
Brand new posts along the interstate aim to make it easier for first responders to find where they need to go.
Multiple major highways are closed Tuesday night due to weather conditions and issues caused by those conditions. Shortly ...
One right lane is closed on I-25 northbound due to a crash near Exit 52 in Walsenburg, according to the Colorado ...