A whale-watching tour off Southern California got a close-up look at a passing basking shark, which are rarely seen in warmer waters, a video shows. A Davey’s Locker Whale Watching boat spotted the ...
HEARTSTOPPING footage shows the moment two giant whales move in to protect a diver from a bloodthirsty shark. Benoît Girodeau ...
In a rare ocean encounter, two 45-ton whales chase off a whitetip shark to protect a diver from potential danger.
A whale watching tour was surprised with what organizers called a “once-in-a-lifetime” shark sighting on Friday afternoon off the coast of Newport Beach. According to Davey’s Locker Whale ...
A diver has shared remarkable footage of two giant whales coming to his rescue after an aggressive killer shark approached ...
A whale-watching tour off Southern California got a close-up look at a passing basking shark, which are rarely seen in warmer waters, a video shows. A Davey’s Locker Whale Watching boat spotted ...