Every man should own a navy blazer ... And for those wondering if you can wear shorts with a blazer, yes you can - the short suit is back in style, and has always been a go-to country club ...
By Vanessa Friedman Is it OK for men to wear white jeans? I think white looks good under a blazer, and throwing white jeans in the washer after a few wearings is easy and inexpensive compared with ...
The best double-breasted blazers for men offer a direct line to some of the ... Whichever you choose, and whether you opt to wear it buttoned up over a shirt and tie or open over a tee and jeans ...
This type of blazer is a more common men’s blazer due to its fit ... This is a great blazer to wear to work with a dress shirt or camisole underneath. A single-breast black blazer is a wardrobe ...
What to wear with a blazer A lot of that is because ... will assume you're phoning it in on a casual Friday. The best blazers ...
You'll hear a lot about dancing on Sunday, with both the men's and women's March Madness tournaments getting seeded as we ...