Hoërskool Marais Viljoen High School hosted Transvalia in a series of friendly hockey, rugby and netball matches on the weekend of March 1. The event drew strong support from parents and locals ...
DIE polisie in Gqeberha ondersoek ’n moordsaak nadat ’n man Vrydagoggend in Commercial-weg buite die Hoërskool Cillé doodgeskiet is. Polisiewoordvoerder kapt. André Beetge, sê die 47-jarige man is ...
’N VROU (33) is gearresteer en aangekla vir die moord op haar 10 maande-oue baba. Die baba se lykie is gister (Donderdag) op ’n oop stuk veld naby die Steenberg-hoërskool gevind. Die polisie is ...
The Department of Education has scored two very important victories in this matter, although the judgment has gone against it. The first is that there is now certainty with regard to the Head of ...
This list of the top public high schools in Pretoria is a must-check. It highlights the best institutions to enroll your teenagers in and how well they pay attention to their academics and talents.
Check out the list of the best schools in Gauteng's City of Johannesburg. These schools are selected based on their academic reputation and performance. Note that this list is subjective because ...