An extremely large brain that’s bigger than that of our species, Homo sapiens, the only surviving hominin. The feature is reflected in the proposed name for the species, revealed by Bae and Wu ...
But, according to Slimak, an ancient Homo sapien was ... "To find archaeological traces of a Neanderthal–Sapiens war we would ...
While it is generally accepted that the forerunner to Homo sapiens - Homo erectus - left Africa about 1.5 million years ago to populate other parts of the world, there are two main theories about ...
Homo sapiens, emerged. Mercader, who studies human evolution, explains that the archaeological research was done at Olduvai Gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Tanzania. "By doing archeology ...
Our human evolution expert Professor Chris Stringer, who has been studying Neanderthals and Homo sapiens for about 50 years, tackles the big question of whether we belong to the same species. Everyone ...
A multidisciplinary team published an analysis of the dazzle camouflage patterns deployed on ships during World War 1 ... about whether Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were different species ...
Previous research has frequently concluded that only Homo sapiens were able to adapt to such environments. Julio Mercader, Paul Durkin, and colleagues collected archaeological, geological ...