Rockstar Jerry Lee Lewis was 22 years old in 1957 when he married his cousin — who was just 13 at that time. Her young age, ...
Never one to hide their songwriting influences, one Beatles song saw Paul McCartney borrow elements from pop's past to craft ...
Jerry Lewis was notorious for some very public feuds throughout his life, including fall outs with Joan Rivers and Dean ...
"Sad to hear of the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis," the musician wrote on Twitter. "Love his music and I was hugely influenced by his records and live performances which were always full of fire and ...
Lance has since become the best Jerry Lee Lewis tribute artist ever. His original song “Move Move Move” is a reflection of his background and the kind of music he wants to create and play.
Jerry Lewis Left All Six Children from His First Marriage Out of His Will Inside Jerry Lewis' Final Years: 'It Was Hard to See Somebody You Love Start Breaking Down' Jerry Lewis Died of Cardiac ...
I watched The King of Comedy, and Jerry Lewis’s performance ... many nods to the vocalists from the era, using bubblegum music to highlight the wild mistreatment of stars at the time by both ...
It was one of those “Wait, wha?” moments. The estate once owned by Jerry Lewis surfaced on this past weekend. This was news to the home’s current owner, Jane Popple, who has ...