Triad honorees are: David Smith in Asheboro; Eden Public Works Operations and Facilities & Grounds; Denny and Shannon Lazar in Elkin; Eddie and Justin Duszlak in Elon; Aimee Krans in Mebane ...
For other people, it meant a different community altogether. It was crystal-clear for Jola Pieslak, now 39. Pieslak was living in a bedroom community outside Aspen, Colorado, with her fiancé.
In Gambia, various ethnic groups including the Mandinka, Wolof, Fulani and Jola observe Ngente, each incorporating their own unique customs into the ceremony. This age-old tradition remains deeply ...
Why do populist politicians across the West want warmer relations with Russia? Are they just Kremlin agents? Or are they tapping into a growing desire to find common cause with Moscow – and end ...
The ARINS (Analysing and Researching Ireland, North and South) project recently held its first event in Belfast, focusing on constitutional futures and the socio-political landscape of a potential ...
GREAT BARRINGTON, MA — Simon’s Rock Senior Sophia Krans has recently accepted an offer of admission to the University of Connecticut’s graduate program in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis. Krans, ...
Hosted by Tolagbe Soleye Martins, a leading strategy and communications expert dedicated to empowering women and businesses, and featuring award-winning writer, producer, and podcast host Jola ...
Markaðurinn fer fram tvisvar sinnum á ári, í aðdraganda jóla og í marsmánuði. Hlédís Sveinsdóttir, einn aðstandenda markaðarins, segir að mikil aðsókn hafi verið á markaðinn um helgina og að ...
Sagðist hún einfaldlega hafa verið að benda á að það hafi verið tækifæri í aðdraganda jóla eða síðustu kosninga til þess að laga þetta. Kallaði Sigurður Ingi þá fram í að ráðherra færi með rangt mál.
Women, Work & Worth: Tolagbe Soleye Martins & Jola Ayeye Lead a Bold Conversation Events Women Leading Change: Oprah and Prada Uzodimma Promote Disability Inclusion with The Ability Life Initiative ...
Tilnefningar til Eddunnar, íslensku kvikmyndaverðlaunanna, 2025 hafa verið gerðar opinberar. Snerting, Ljósbrot og Ljósvíkingar eru tilnefndar í flokki kvikmyndar ársins. Þetta er meðal þess sem fram ...