Un vultur cu cap galben plutește peste o pajiște cu iarbă aurie, păsări flamingo zboară ca niște săgeți roz deasupra unei ...
Opposing them too openly can prove fatal: In 2023, the right-wing politician Fernando Villavicencio was assassinated by Ecuador’s largest domestic organized crime ring, Los Lobos, after calling for a ...
Top 20 locuri care au cel mai bun raport între calitate și cost. Vizitatorii apreciază peisajele de vis, arhitectura și ...
Daca visezi la o vacanta de neuitat fara sa-ti golesti portofelul, ai noroc! Multe destinatii exotice, orase vibrante si statiuni de vis ofera experiente incredibile la preturi accesibile. Cheia este ...
Voucherele de vacanță reprezintă pentru unele segmente de business o sursă importantă de venituri, iar litoralul, anumite ...
Călătoriile pe coasta de litoral a Bulgariei de la Marea Neagră au crescut cel ... unde cazarea 2 adulți + 3 copii la 200 euro / noapte e ceva firesc), aveți și Albania, Bosnia-Herțegovina, Polonia ...
Potrivit The Telegraph, destinații precum Turcia, Thailanda și Maroc, dar și orașe vibrante precum Madrid, oferă experiențe ...
Now another is underway. By Emma Bubola Reporting from Rome Italy’s much-debated program of sending asylum seekers to Albania restarted on Sunday, the Italian Interior Ministry said, months ...
A UK tribunal ruled it would be “unduly harsh” for a 10-year-old boy to return to Albania with his father due to food sensitivities and sensory issues. An Albanian criminal whose deportation ...
TIRANA, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Albania will create a sovereign Muslim state in Tirana for the Bektashi religious order, along the lines of the Vatican in Rome, to preserve and promote religious ...
Dozens of unwanted migrants who managed to reach Italy after crossing the Mediterranean Sea are being sent to Albania as Italy's controversial offshoring and outsourcing policy resumes.
Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh An Albanian criminal was allowed to stay in Britain partly because his ...