A prison worker in HMP Littlehey has spoken about her experience working in a prison ahead of International Women's Day.
A scheme in which prisoners act as mentors, helping other prisoners to submit complaints, has been expanded to more jails.
A transgender child sex offender has died in prison due to a heart attack ... has revealed Saunders died of a heart attack at HMP Littlehey in Cambridgeshire, aged 56, on July 9 last year.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work inside a prison? This International Women’s Day (8 March), Sarah Brown from HMP Littlehey tells her story of a working life in a challenging and ...
Downing, 44, was released from Littlehey prison in Cambridgeshire to await the hearing of an appeal against his conviction and life jail sentence for the brutal killing of married typist Wendy Sewell.
Soon, his sick yearnings would become reality again. In 1997, when he finished his prison sentence at Cambridgeshire's Littlehey jail, he told the warder who held the door open for him ...
An old prison in Laval, Que., will be turned into affordable housing, the Government of Canada has confirmed. In a press release Saturday, federal Minister of Public Services and Procurement and ...
Before the early 1990s, people who were sentenced to 10 years in prison might be released after serving roughly half that long. That’s because of policies that allowed incarcerated individuals ...
The prison memo was issued on the same day that a new group of transgender women rushed to court to try to stop their transfer from all-female prisons to all-male facilities, saying that the move ...