Letkol Teddy Indra Wijaya, seorang perwira menengah di TNI AD, mengejutkan banyak orang setelah dilantik sebagai Sekretaris Kabinet (Seskab) dalam Kabinet Merah Putih pada 21 Oktober 2024. Jabatan ini ...
Maria Sten was clearly destined for the “Reacher” universe. When she first auditioned for the role of Frances Neagley, a former U.S. Army officer and the current wingwoman of Jack Reacher ...
Teddy Indra Wijaya, yang menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Kabinet Indonesia, baru saja mendapatkan promosi dari Mayor menjadi Letnan Kolonel (Letkol) berdasarkan keputusan resmi dari Panglima TNI. Kenaikan ...
The VOTING phase of our 2025 Best of Santa Maria Valley contest closes on Saturday night! You can vote once per day in each subcategory so make sure you get your two final votes in. Click here ...
Maria grew up in Berlin, Wisconsin. She started her career in journalism in Green Bay as the first CW 14 Star. She stepped away from TV while fighting breast cancer in 2020. With a great team of ...
A ruthless ruler and opponent, devoted wife and mother to sixteen children, Maria Theresa’s forty year rule over her European territories is nothing if not miraculous. The second and eldest surviving ...
NAIK PANGKAT: Sekretaris Kabinet (Seskab) Mayor Teddy Indra Wijaya resmi naik pangkat menjadi Letnan Kolonel (Letkol) pada 25 Februari 2025. Hal ini disorot hingga dinilai janggal, Mabes TNI AD buka ...
Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo said conditions point to a “recession” this year — but added “It will be Joe Biden’s recession.” With all eyes on the Bureau of Labor ...
Baca berita dengan sedikit iklan, klik di sini Panglima TNI Diduga Naikkan Pangkat Teddy Indra Wijaya dari Mayor Jadi Letkol Connie Bakrie Pertanyakan Regulasi Kenaikan Pangkat Teddy Indra Wijaya Jadi ...
Penugasan Teddy Indra Wijaya, prajurit aktif di Kabinet Merah Putih, terjadi sebelum revisi Undang-Undang TNI. Dua prajurit TNI aktif lain menjabat di lembaga sipil di Kementerian Pertanian dan Bulog.
The government-owned Institute of Technology of the Americas (ITLA) is set to become the first higher education institution in the Dominican Republic to offer a degree program in semiconductor ...