The 'Bridging Together' collaboration is result of the Mennonite Disaster Service and Lutheran Disaster Response Carolinas joining forces.
The Amish are a group of plain people who are similar to but different than the Mennonite. The Amish has a long history that is intertwined with the "English" communities they are near.
Mennonites are part of the wider Anabaptist family of churches, which emerged in 1525 as the radical wing of the Protestant Reformation in Central Europe. Other Anabaptist branches today include the ...
Officials and news organizations attribute the outbreak primarily to the Mennonite communities ... Other Anabaptist groups today include the Amish, Brethren, and Hutterites.
Other Mennonites maintain traditions similar to the Amish, with tight-knit, separatist communities marked by such things as limited technology, nonviolence, male leadership and traditional dress ...