Ostraca found in the Roman ceramic workshop discovered ... in the necropolis is a series of mudbrick tombs containing skeletons and mummies in varying states of preservation. Particularly noteworthy ...
Whether it’s a $20 ceramic vase or a $180,000 ... Archaeologists Find a Second Tomb of Ancient Pharaoh After the First Was Found Empty With Missing Mummy Manfred considering petition to have ...
A major exhibition dedicated to the legendary Mongolian ruler Chinggis Khan opened this week at Prague’s National Museum, ...
And because this tomb was flooded shortly after Thutmose II's burial, his mummy and the majority of his grave goods were removed by ancient officials and placed elsewhere — but their ultimate ...
The stuff of dreams for any archaeologist, Piers Litherland and his team, working on a British-Egyptian excavation, might have stumbled upon the second tomb of King Thutmose II in the Western ...
The discovery of artifacts near the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun may be the oldest known evidence of a ritual known as the ...
At the site of Tombos, archaeologists have found that less-affluent laborers may be buried with upper-class people in pyramid ...
Before his discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, it's rumored that Howard Cater, the renowned Egyptologist, ...
His rich collection of grave goods, which might be equal to Tut's, was removed from the tomb thousands of years ago, probably when priests relocated and reburied the king's mummy to protect it ...
The girl was only 13 years old when she was sacrificed to the gods but had been frozen in time for hundreds of years when a ...