Psychiatry resident Jake Goodman, MD, shared his advice in an Instagram carousel post. Nurse practitioner @thejohnhongkim ...
Working the night shift can lead to health problems. A nurse and Chippendales dancer reveal how they maintain their health.
Researchers determine how sleep duration, sleep debt, and shift work impact the risk of infections among Norwegian nurses.
Shift work and night work are associated with an increased risk for the common cold and several other infections among nurses.
HOUSEHOLDS across the country will lose an hour of kip as the clocks spring forward in the early hours of Sunday morning.
A SHOP worker has been hailed as a “lifesaver” after stopping to check on an elderly man he spotted lying on the ground in ...
Firefighters have been protesting over "punishing" changes to shift patterns. The proposals for full time staff would mean ...
Over 200 firefighters and supporters gathered at a rally outside Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service headquarters this ...
Not getting enough sleep and working night shifts can increase the risk of infections among nurses, according to a new study.
Some Florida teenagers could soon be working night shifts before a school day, and for less than the minimum wage.
TALLAHASSEE—Florida teens could work night shifts and eight hours without a meal break, according to a controversial child ...