It's commonly thought that sperm "race" to the egg, with the winner fertilizing it. But is this really the case?
Before oocytes are extruded ... wherein the embryo is implanted after ovulation occurs spontaneously, or a programmed cycle, in which the uterus is primed with exogenous estradiol and progesterone ...
A large genome-wide association study meta-analysis analyzed data on 42 female reproductive health diagnoses from the ...
This is the largest genome-wide association study meta-analysis of its kind, analysing  data on 42 female reproductive health ...
It's costly, invasive and most eggs never end up being used, but 'eggsurance' is increasingly common. Is it worth it?
Sleep and fertility are closely linked, as frequent snoring was associated with poor IVF outcomes and biochemical pregnancy ...
People with PCOS have an imbalance of MI to DCI in their ovaries. This can affect: Inositols can help restore ovulation and improve oocyte (immature egg) quality. But researchers say taking the ...