She married dentist Petter Aron Lindström in 1937; they had one child, daughter Friedel Pia Lindström (b. 1938). In 1950, she starred in Stromboli, directed by Roberto Rossellini—on set of the ...
She married dentist Petter Aron Lindström in 1937; they had one child, daughter Friedel Pia Lindström (b. 1938). Ingrid Bergman with her husband, Roberto Rossellini, and their children ...
Vuoden 2025 aluevaalien alustavat ehdokaslistat on julkaistu. Ehdokashakemuksia ei ole vielä tarkastettu, joten alustaviin ehdokaslistoihin voi tulla vielä muutoksia ja korjauksia. Aluevaalit ja ...
The landing gear wheel that went missing during the takeoff of a PIA plane bound for Lahore has finally been located in a remote corner of the Karachi airport. According to the PAA, the missing ...
Booztin varastossa tehtiin ratkaisuja, jotka parantavat työntekijöiden hyvinvointia. Yhteistyössä AJ:n asiantuntijoiden ...
Pia Ranada is Rappler’s Community Lead, in charge of linking our journalism with communities for impact. Previously, she was an investigative and senior reporter for Rappler. She is best known ...
Tulevien aluevaalien ehdokaslista on valmistunut ja ehdokkaat saaneet äänestysnumerot. Oheisessa listassa ovat Oulun kaupunginvaltuustoon ehdolla olevat henkilöt numeroineen. Kaupunginvaltuusto on ...
Här är listorna för de kommuner som hör till Yle Österbottens bevakningsområde. Det betyder alla österbottniska kommuner minus Laihela och plus Karleby. Texten uppdateras vartefter. Öppna bildvisare ...
Whether it’s pizza with the family or something a little more fancy, these are the restaurants, cafes and bars the Aussie actor keeps returning to. Italian food is a subject close to Australian ...
Pia Miller’s career began when she landed the iconic Dolly Magazine model search, and she became a household name in Australia when she lit up our screens on Home and Away. While her ...