Scientists use satellite data to find ocean zones where trash naturally gathers for easier, faster, and cleaner clean-up.
"OceanArt" expo showcases upcycled marine waste into Van Gogh-inspired art, raising awareness on ocean plastic pollution.
Now the same team, along with their colleagues, have found signs of dementia-like brain damage, kidney and liver dysfunction, ...
We don’t want plastic in the ocean. Most plastic degrades slowly and we have all seen pictures and videos of marine life ...
Whether you see someone litter on purpose or on accident you can be a great citizen and tell them to pick it up. If you do, ...
By coring the seabed at 850 m water depth in Disko Bay off Greenland's west coast, researchers from the University of ...
Between Hawaii and California, trash swirls in giant ocean currents, caught up in the infamous, Texas-sized Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is just one of many found across the globe. Efforts to ...
At press time, the PW students were envisioning their reef as an on-campus art installation they hope will trigger awareness ...
Over the past decade, environmental disasters that have damaged the world’s oceans have been chronicled. These range from ...
Forthcoming from GOST Books, Mandy Barker's 'Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Imperfections' surveys synthetic ...