Currently, 1.1% - 6% of orthodontic treatment plans involve the extraction of a lower incisor [ 8 ]. The main indications for mandibular incisor extraction (MIE) include tooth size discrepancies, ...
Normally, the parotid glands are not palpable, and a concavity exists in the region between the superior ramus of the mandible and ... in the region of the posterior third of the gland, and ...
Ouardi, K. , Hamama, J. , Harbili, M. , Ouraini, S. , Benariba, F. and Errami, N. (2025) Silent Growth: 18-Year History of an Upper Lip Schwannoma. Voice of the Publisher, 11, 128-135. doi: 10.4236/vp ...
"The significance of this discovery is that both species have mandibular middle ears (MdME ... modifications such as transverse broadening of posterior teeth, cusp rearrangement and even rotation ...
Virtual Simulation of Periodontal Surgery Including Presurgical CAD/CAM Fabrication of Tooth-Colored Removable Splints on the Basis of CBCT Data: A Case Report. Comparative Study of rhPDGF-BB Plus ...
One of the criteria that providers may not be used to is that there must be one or more missing teeth in the anterior sextant or there must be two or more posterior teeth in a quadrant excluding the ...
Another SN-PSG was conducted after 3 months of treatment with a mandibular advancement device (T1). The parameters extracted from the night records were the following: AHI, ODI, the number of position ...
Restorations in posterior teeth were observed and it is not possible to affirm the presence of mulberry molars (figure 4). The patient’s mother reported precocious loss of deciduous teeth because of ...