The red-winged blackbird, at home in cattail vegetation of Minnesota’s bountiful wetlands, lakes and rivers, is a welcome ...
Carolus Linneaus, a Swedish scientist, gave the red-winged blackbird its scientific name, Agelaius phoenicus, in 1766. The name comes from the Greek words for flocking and red. Meet 5 types of ...
A Ross’s goose has landed in Great Barrington for all to take a gander at. Then, on March 1, I awake to the sound of red-winged blackbirds, twee-ing and twee-ing as they greet the dawn. Yes! Red-wings ...
Cattails (Typha latifolia) are the iconic freshwater wetland plant. Where there is fresh water and some sun, there will be cattails.
For proof, listen for the distinctive “conk-la-ree!” song of the red-winged blackbird. These boldly colored migratory birds spend the colder months in the southern United States and begin ...