Sammy Sosa was welcomed back into the Cubs organization after more than two decades after an apology in December.
Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens and Manny Ramirez are among those who have been shunned from the Hall of Fame due to confirmed or alleged steroid use, despite their gaudy statistics. Sosa garnered ...
a decision that could make it harder to gain entry to Cooperstown for steroids-tainted stars such as Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. Any candidate on the eight-person ballot who receives fewer than ...
Kupuna shouldn’t have to worry medical costs ...
Steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. The PED ties and suspicions have prevented Sosa from being voted into the Hall of Fame, just like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. The positive drug tests ...
The New York Yankees have stepped up their guest instructor game this spring, seemingly producing another generation-bending photograph of legends every single workout. Perhaps no embraced veteran ...
Barry Bonds has the most homers in MLB history, Mark McGwire was the first man to his 62 in a season, and pitcher Roger Clemens has seven Cy Youngs. But they are not in because they took steroids ...