The shift from on-premises infrastructure to a cloud-based solution is expected to bolster the MoD's capabilities in threat ...
The Butterflyway Project is a citizen-led movement growing highways of habitat for bees and butterflies across Canada. In 2017, the David Suzuki Foundation initiated the Butterflyway Project, and its ...
Governments are the most important wealth managers in their respective jurisdictions, but they rarely behave like it. To boost revenue and ensure economic stability, policymakers must modernize their ...
Tokyo Ghoul, a series that got released as manga first and as a TV series next, got its unofficial adaptation with Project Ghoul on Roblox. Now, you make things easier, the developers are releasing ...
Get unrivalled access to the ideas and opinions of the world’s leading thinkers, including Nobel laureates, heads of state, business leaders, civic activists, and distinguished scholars.
The South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) empowers immigrants through high-quality legal education, representation, and connections to services. ProBAR serves immigrants in the ... Fidelity is the degree to which a change is implemented as intended. Improvement project teams should measure fidelity, because if the change is not implemented, nothing will change.
Project Mugetsu, or just PM as developers decided to call it these days is a fantastic anime game for Roblox. You'll recognise some faces if you're a fan of anime, but we won't spoil anything. If you ...
This repository is deprecated. OCP created new org in github to have the Megarac community edition. Please refer README for more details ...
Leave any questions on the GitHub issues or on the Discord channel below. If you want to add your language to the app, please translate assets/locale/en.json. I can translate it by Google translator, ...