SSAB kertoi viime vuoden huhtikuussa, että se rakentaa ensimmäisen fossiilittoman terästehtaansa Luulajaan. Toisena vaihtoehtona oli Raahe.
Revenue was SEK 23,615 (26,469) million Operating result was SEK 487 (2,400) million Earnings per share were SEK 0.48 (1.86) Net cash was SEK 17.8 (18.2) billion Transformation ...
The operating result for the full year was SEK 7,860 (16,467) million. The markets in Europe and North America were generally weak, whereas SSAB's high-strength steel and other premium products were ...
Teollisuusliiton ja Teknologiateollisuuden työnantajien välisessä neuvottelussa perjantaina ei saavutettu sovintoa uudeksi ...
Teknologiateollisuuden lakko alkoivat varhain maanantaiaamuna koko maassa. Lakko koskee suurelta osin myös SSAB:n Raahen ...
Sweden’s top steelmaker SSAB AB has pulled out of funding talks with Washington to build a green steel plant in the US, as President-elect Donald Trump looks to dismantle policies meant to ...
Firm had won award under Biden administration for US plant Exit from talks comes as Trump looks to undo green policies Sweden’s top steelmaker SSAB AB has pulled out of funding talks with Washington ...
(Bloomberg) — Sweden’s top steelmaker SSAB AB has pulled out of funding talks with Washington to build a green steel plant in the US, as President-elect Donald Trump looks to dismantle policies meant ...