A deep-sea creature only recorded alive on one other occasion has been seen for what's believed to be the first time in broad ...
A scary-looking creature with “devil” in its name was spotted close to the surface off Tenerife, a Spanish island.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year, hosted annually by the Natural History Museum in London, celebrates the world’s most extraordinary wildlife photography. Nearly 60,000 images were entered into the ...
Award-winning photographer managed to snap the perfect moment when a white mountain hare decided to take a well-deserved ...
Discover 10 astonishing images capturing nature’s tiniest creatures in incredible detail. These stunning insect photographs ...
For the first time, a deep sea angler fish was spotted last week in daylight. The incident was iconic, especially for the ...
Light is a primary driver of visual evolution in shrimp, according to new FIU research published this week in Nature ...
This is only the second time the species has been recorded while alive. “I thought it was A.I.,” says fish biologist Kory Evans.