The package includes stiffer penalties for landlords who defy orders and institutional investors with large portfolios.
Louisville basketball coach Pat Kelsey has a lot of catchphrases. Ahead of Louisville vs Creighton NCAA Tournament game, UofL ...
The Gators’ guard trio draws notice and accolades, but a quartet of post players has distanced them from the competition.
The Dark Universe brings the green-gilled man to life in a faithful reproduction of his original appearance, with a wider and more rounded mouth filled with rows of sharpened teeth. This creature ...
"SB 763 would sharpen the teeth of a century-old law by increasing penalties for those looking to illegally profit at the cost of workers, consumers, and honest businesses." Democratic state ...
Liam Lawson stands on the cusp of a lifelong ambition this weekend, revving up as Max Verstappen’s new teammate at Red Bull.
After brushing hair off, place a couple of drops of oils (no more than three to avoid over-oiling) across the blade teeth ... I’ll get mine sharpened because the blade is still good.
Police said in one instance, Jean-Baptiste “struck him across the face with a knife sharpening tool ... said she also knocked out one of his teeth. “She is f---ing strong.
If it's a dogfight NUNS wants, then UST is already sharpening its claws and gritting its teeth, as it fights for its life a week from now.
“I hope that pencil is sharpened, because once I get my teeth stuck in you, I am not letting go. And I will fight for every woman and girl in this country, all day every day.” Wilson has said ...