A man’s eternal sock and jock trail is another great point of contention amongst partners. Contrary to popular belief there ...
By Alex Marshall Alex Marshall has covered the case of the missing toilet from London and Oxford, England, for over five years. Ever since a hooded gang smashed its way into Blenheim Palace — an ...
It was not your typical smash-and-grab burglary and the booty was precious: a toilet worth more than its weight in gold. Lawyer Julian Christopher said in his opening statement in Oxford Crown ...
She was reportedly inside the toilet when the blaze started. Alexandra Clarke, 26, was aboard the Davy Jones Locker when she died, Surat Thani province police chief Major General Sermphan ...
LONDON (AP) — A thief who swiped a golden toilet from an English palace was convicted Tuesday along with an accomplice who helped cash in on the spoils of the 18-carat work of art insured for ...
It can be tempting to dash into a public toilet when you're out and about and desperate to wee. But next time you run into your local cafe to use the toilet always check the loo roll. A person ...
But there was one "throne" to rule them all: The crown prince got a special toilet that drained directly into a nearby river. The existence of the palace complex has long been known, but new ...
FILE - This screenshot made from a video shows the 18-karat toilet, titled "America," by Maurizio Cattelan in the restroom of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, Sept. 16, 2016.
Is Japanese manufacturing in the toilet? Absolutely not – though it might be the first place to look to understand how the country’s firms are changing. One of the most surprising stories in ...
A FORMER F1 world champion has booted a toilet door down after getting locked inside. Jacques Villeneuve was hit on the head by failing CEILING as he made his daring escape. Villeneuve ...
Council staff were needed after a resident found a giant python - in their toilet. The local made a call after finding the massive snake which is believed to have slithered through pipes and into ...
Sledgehammer-wielding thieves who smashed their way into Blenheim Palace managed to steal a £2.8m gold toilet in just five minutes, a court has heard. The toilet, an artwork by Italian artist ...