MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Fellow, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, ...
Police on Tuesday raided 10 locations in Nonthaburi province and seized about 260,000 smuggled Chinese-made vape pipes and related products, worth about 130 million baht in total.The contraband goods ...
Smoking during Ramadan can be more harmful than at other times of the year. This is because of the sudden exposure of a person’s body to smoke after several hours of fasting, some experts have warned ...
Goldman Sachs has big price targets on two high-yield tobacco stocks. They can provide investors with reliable streams of ...
The new owner of Quonset Hut plans to honor the Canton shop's history while expanding inventory. A café and non-alcoholic bar is also being added.
Once upon a time, marijuana was a big no-no in mixed martial arts. Nick Diaz was even hit with a massive five-year suspension ...
A walk into The Parlor really is a step back in time and remembering when things were a little less cluttered in the world. A ...
It's a video that was taken late last week, that parents say has been circling throughout Wisconsin Conservatory of Lifelong Learning (WCLL) school.
A lot of smokers are switching to e-cigarettes to try and kick their nicotine fix, but does vaping really help kick the habit ...