Soltage plans solar energy farms on 69 acres near Manhattan and ECA Solar and New Lenox Community Energy Initiative eye 35 ...
The entire 7.5MW array is expected to save around 7.115 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and provide around 10,000 ...
Kevin Ely and Jael Malenke are the husband-and-wife team that run the brewery — Ely handles the beer and Malenke manages the ...
An explosion in clean energy development has clogged the process of hooking up to the power grid, threatening reliability, ...
A solar company, and the owner of Williams Street property it seeks for an energy farm, have sued the Town of Dunkirk Board ...
The Guam Power Authority is cancelling a deal for a 40-megawatt solar farm in Dandan, Inalåhan because the firm hired to ...
A 900-acre solar farm in Johnson County is part of a proposal made by MidAmerican Energy, the state's largest energy provider ...
Ranger Power insists the project will save local land for agriculture down the road, provide millions in tax funds, and have ...
The Fayette County commissioners held a public hearing to take comment on a proposed zoning amendment dealing with utility ...
The vote at Monday’s town meeting was prompted by a proposal from two developers to build a commercial solar farm at a former ...
A decision against a solar developer would establish a legal precedent that makes it much harder for companies to overcome ...
The owners of a solar farm who want to locate it in Old Lycoming Township are suing the board of supervisors in a land use ...