The king cobra, at 18 feet, is the world's largest venomous snake, utilizing neurotoxic venom to kill large prey. Armed ...
Creepy crawly alert! In the icy South Atlantic, researchers have photographed a fascinating-looking creature at a depth of ...
"Spiders do not usually run towards people when they sense danger. This would be like humans running towards something like ...
A team of scientists led by The University of Western Australia has discovered two new species of trapdoor spiders in the ...
While operating the deep-sea robot nearly 7,000 feet below the surface, the machine’s camera captured a creature that ...
A spider monkey at Brevard Zoo had to have his arm amputated after a freak accident where it got caught in mesh fencing.
A 10-month-old spider monkey at a Florida zoo had to have its arm amputated after it was involved in a freak accident. ...
The researchers found that funnel-weaving spiders alter how their silk webs transmit vibrations in response to local noise.
A new study examines the embryogenesis and eye development of the cave-dwelling spider Tegenaria pagana, providing the first detailed description of its developmental stages. By analyzing gene ...
The vast expanse of the Nullarbor Plain, on traditional Mirning land, is an enigmatic and captivating landscape.
This is especially true for spider monkeys, since they have prehensile tails.” Sully stayed overnight at the zoo’s L3 Harris Animal Care Center and is continuing recovery in his on-habitat ...