Alain Guiraudie's wonderfully twisted queer noir 'Misericordia' is about the chaos that comes with being the hottest person ...
Guiraudie takes Hitchcock’s deadpan sensibility to another level with a genre-fluid crime story about murder, desire and suspicious mushrooms, set in a small village in the Massif Central.
People are ultimately unknowable — even your spouse. The key to coping, the Black Bag director says, is trust.
Random birthday I know the Inbox enjoys non-important anniversaries but just so you know, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is 19 ...
Fallen arches were Terence Stamp's turning point. Here, he tells GRAHAM BRIDGSTOCK how after failing his National Service medical, he spent his windfall two years at drama school - and became an ...
The Daily Mail reported on an Amazon internal memo stipulating the spy “will not change gender or nationality”. That means ...
A good movie is like a theme park ride. Consider Walt Disney’s classic Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean: for all their thrills and chills, they’re as whimsical as they are macabre. For ...
Rex Harrison might have been Bond, but Sean Connery beat him to the part. Terence Stamp was considered for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service until Albert Broccoli purportedly spotted Australian ...
From landmark indies to star-studded blockbusters, Steven Soderbergh has restlessly forged an eclectic body of work.
Take one ice-cool movie star of sometimes hidden talent, one former maverick filmmaker turned shaper of sensual star vehicles and add a serious issue about real people. What you get is Erin Brockovich ...
Plenty of great movies feature long, arduous journeys, in which a character’s mental state is reflected in their physical ...