Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
Residents and visitors often see swallow-tailed kites flashing overhead during the spring months as they hunt just above the tree canopies.
March is about one thing for me: anticipating spring. Every day I listen to more and more avian voices, thrilled by the steady increase in volume, stretching my ears to hear the first swallows and ...
Pigeon milk consists of fat-and protein-rich yellow curds that detach from a pouch inside the bird’s neck. But wait until you ...
Mid-winter "false springs" — warm, spring-like days — also threaten insect populations as they can trick insects into emerging from hibernation or hatching early. When freezing temperatures return, ...
Although the idea of a planting a tropical fruit tree seems like a good way to transform your backyard into an oasis, you may ...
About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs lumbered through forests. After they went extinct, things changed — and the effects are still being felt.
In a new book, author John Green writes about visiting a tuberculosis hospital in Sierra Leone, where he met a TB patient not ...
Paleontologist Danielle Dufault traveled to Morocco to learn more about the legendary tree-climbing goats who live in endangered argan groves.
This bird, when cooked in the ordinary way, is about as palatable as a stewed kerosene lamp wick,” Edward Howe Forbush said ...
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is sending out an urgent warning to homeowners. They’re hoping people will clean ...
The best probiotics contain clinically-backed strains to support gut health. Nutrition experts explain what to look for when ...