These decadent yet chintzy nostalgia pieces with delusions of forward momentum once ruled the box office. Not anymore.
Part of a hiking trail near Fisherman's Park in Harford County was shut down after officials said they found dead vultures ...
Dozens of dead vultures discovered at the Conowingo Dam between Cecil and Harford counties over the weekend are being tested ...
Residents and officials say a flock of vultures are wreaking havoc in Carlisle, causing significant property damage and ...
UoH campus is home to over 700 flowering plants, 10 species of mammals, 15 species of reptiles and over 200 species of birds, ...
“The individual can be prosecuted under the Wild Life Protection Act as the Turkey Vulture or John Crow (Cathartes aura) is a protected species. It is illegal to have the bird in your possessio ...
Birds at Race Point in Provincetown included ... a continuing orange-crowned warbler in a yard in Brewster, 3 black vultures in Orleans, and 3 Barrow’s goldeneye in Wellfleet Harbor.
A Maryland vulture that appeared to be mourning its long-time mate last month has also died, according to the property owner who has been observing the birds for years.
After an initial test of the vaccine on black vultures showed promise, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted a trial involving 25 California condors —10 birds got two shots, 10 birds got ...
What's the difference between the live-action remake and the 1937 animated Snow White film? The latter was the better one.
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some ...
The USDA clarified in a statement that while the plan is not to kill the birds, using one or two dead vultures as effigies could reinforce the nonlethal methods. Vultures, like many other species ...