It is going to be alright. It’s all good!” “This team is so awful. I’m angry!” “Listen, this is exactly what you’d expect to happen, so really, it is what it is. Just go with the flow, bro.” Odds are ...
There are many trios in the show—the three Ratliff siblings, the three rich white ladies, and finally, the three Russians: ...
Velasquez was sentenced to 5 years in prison but could be free in early 2026 due to time served and good behavior.
The Illuminate feel like half a faction in Helldivers 2, and players are growing to prefer the bots and bugs instead.
A round-up of some of the products that won both the Taipei Show's Gold Awards and the D&I (Design & innovation) Awards.
The Rangers, outside of a listless start, played the Kings hard, defended a fast team well and even pressed the attack at ...
31."Recently, a teacher in my elementary school confiscated crystal meth from a young student who thought it was rock candy ...
As a former teenage goth and Anne Rice fanatic (dog collar, black nail polish, absurd prosthetic vampire fangs) who still ...
1:15 p.m.: A caller at Glenmere Park reported a dead raccoon in the lake floating by the fishing spot. 3:00 p.m.: A caller at ...
Lear Asset Management's tactics in logging and cannabis enforcement, from Idaho to California, raise concerns about private ...
Cass Marshall is a news writer focusing on gaming and culture coverage, taking a particular interest in the human stories of the wild world of ... they send out the big guns.
Timeless, iconic, yet also indisputably a product of the era in which it was designed, the Stratocaster was shaped in huge ...