"Like many other pet birds, macaws are playful and seem to enjoy being trained to perform tricks like waving hello or using a skateboard." In the wild, macaw couples will live in flocks of 10 to ...
The new aviary, called Max’s Aviary, was made possible thanks to zoo patron Jenny Boyd. “Max” was a bird that Jenny once ...
Despite robust breeding programs worldwide, many parrots are still plucked illegally from the wild. One reason: Organized-crime rackets that have made billions of dollars trafficking animals such ...
As well as encouraging longer flights, the training gradually includes an increasingly scarce food supply and a change in the time of day, forcing the macaws to look for food in the wild.
Parrots and other caged birds represent the largest group of captive wild animals in the US, and they are the fourth most popular animal kept as pets in the nation, after dogs, cats and fish. Birds ...
"Like many other pet birds, macaws are playful and seem to enjoy being trained to perform tricks like waving hello or using a skateboard." In the wild, macaw couples will live in flocks of 10 to 30 ...