In March 1925, Tennessee became the first state in the country to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms.
William Jennings Bryan stepped off the train at Dayton in July of 1925, ready to fight for a "righteous cause." For thirty years the Great Commoner had been a progressive force in the Democratic ...
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
Yet they had radically different goals. As politician and religious leader, William Jennings Bryan played a prominent role in both movements. The social gospel grew out of the abuses of industrialism.
19 x 28.5 in. (48.3 x 72.4 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
The Scopes trial, also called the 'monkey trial,' was a landmark legal case in 1925 Tennessee that challenged a ban on teaching evolution in schools. Initially a publicity stunt, it became a ...
As the nation entered the industrial age during a time of economic depression, William McKinley felt protective tariffs were the key to a bright financial future — and voters agreed with him. It was ...
He ran his campaign on the idea that his opponent William Jennings Bryan, who had twice lost already, was not a real opponent. Challenges: William Howard Taft stumbled dramatically on two important ...
The Scopes trial became sensational largely because it brought together two long-time adversaries and powerful speakers William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. Bryan, a former secretary of ...