Discover 8 unforgettable Dungeons & Dragons characters with unique traits and epic potential for Netflix’s TV adaptation.
If you want your snowy, winter landscape in Dungeons & Dragons to feel full of life and danger, give these creatures a try.
While playtesting is nothing new for TTRPGs like Dungeons & Dragons, it’s nevertheless a solid opportunity for invested players. Not only does this let them take a peek at upcoming character ...
What are the best Dungeons and Dragons PC games? The mere mention of Dungeons & Dragons conjures up images of people excitedly unleashing a hail of dice onto a dining room table. From its ...
owned YouTube Channels, but there’s a master list of them here. Feel free to start with Dungeons & Dragons, if you haven’t already seen it. It’s a ridiculous botch of the game concept from ...
Monsters are an important part of a Dungeons & Dragons session. There are multiple books devoted to finding the right monster to challenge your players during a climactic battle. So why not choose ...
Dungeons and Dragons has been shaking up the status quo lately thanks to a few additions and updates to its core rules. These changes began last year thanks to updated versions of the Dungeon ...
Dungeons & Dragons will be getting almost 100 new miniatures this summer between its Monster Manual and Underdark Expeditions sets.
It has been 50 years since steam trains trundled along a miniature railway at Severn Beach. But soon, a new track will be opened – thanks to the son of a man who built a miniature train for the ...
Painting miniatures is a good, chill time. Since I picked the hobby back up in 2017 I’ve spent hundreds of hours away from my screens, listening to good music and great podcasts. And ...
MONTEBELLO, QUE. - One of Canada’s “Dragons’ Den” stars is breathing fire at a former co-star over Canada’s approach to the Donald Trump White House. Arlene Dickinson, an investor who ...
Many of us run weekly Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, after all! In other words, neither the GamesRadar+ team or I will ever recommend Dungeons & Dragons books we wouldn't want to buy ourselves.